Town’s New Social Worker, Bethany Hadvab
My name is Bethany Hadvab. I am the new town social worker for Sudbury, replacing Martha Lynn who was a key resource in the Sudbury community for over 20 years.
My office is located on the second floor of the Flynn Building at 278 Old Sudbury Road and I can be reached by phone at 978-440-5476. I can also be reached by email at, but please be aware that emails sent to this address are not confidential and are a part of town record. My hours during the summer are: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30a-4p, Tuesday 8:30a-7p and Friday 8:30a-12:30p. Please feel free to reach out any time. I am often out in the community, but I will get back to you ASAP.
The social work department offers a wide variety of services. The list below is a broad overview, but is not comprehensive. Please feel free to call if you have any concerns, unmet needs, or a desire to volunteer or make donations.
Some Social Work Services Provided:
- Referrals to services related to mental health, medical, parenting, housing, financial and basic needs
- Providing applications and support filling out applications for services such as: food stamps, social security disability, fuel assistance, DMH (Department of Mental Health), Mass Health, etc
- Accepting and reviewing applications for the HOPE Sudbury fund
- Providing information on area resources and services for the elderly, individuals with disabilities, children and families, low-income individuals, and those with a variety of other specialized needs
- Accepting and managing community donations
- Collaborating with community groups to address community needs and concerns, and to strengthen community connections
I am excited to be a part of this community and I look forward to meeting you!