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Historical Society Seeking Volunteers


July 19, 2018

| Social Worker
| Automatically Archived on 8/5/2018

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From Sally Hild of The Sudbury Historical Society:

On Saturday, August 4th the Sudbury Historical Society is having a summer tag sale and crafters meet-up (mini tag sale) on the Town Hall lawn. We could use help in the early morning (7:00 a.m. start!) lugging bins of sale items down from the 2nd floor of town hall and then we could use some help monitoring the tables/sale areas and also with clean-up at the end (event ends at 1:00 so from 1-2:30 ought to do it). If someone had 1-2 hours available for a shift that would be helpful. And hopefully the day will be a nice one weather-wise and everyone could enjoy being in the town center. A flyer is attached. To sign up people can send me an e-mail with their name and contact information so that I can put together a schedule of

The SHS is also actively cleaning out an accumulation of stuff (not collections related) from our offices in anticipation for a move to our new facility in the next year. We’ll be taking the stuff to the landfill. We have bags and boxes of things that are now taking up space in our office. So the second need we have is for people to help us lug the recycling and other items down from the 2nd floor of Town Hall to the ground level (2 flights of tall stairs) to pack into cars. The SHS will be driving to the landfill.  

So both of these tasks require people who are steady on their feet, can lift some cumbersome things, and manage stairs. It’s a lot of up and down the stairs. Perfect for teenagers too! We tend to have a lot of fun at the SHS while we work and so if anyone is around looking for ways to fill time and participate in a community nonprofit group, we’d love to meet them and the jobs shouldn’t take too long. Many hands make the work light.

 For more information please click here to see the tag sale flyer.