Understanding Affordable Housing Workshop: March 9&16, 2020
The Sudbury Board of Health Social Work Office is offering two workshops focused on helping residents to find and maintain safe and affordable housing.
Workshops will be held at Goodnow Library in Sudbury from 1-3pm.
March 2nd: Workshop is open to any residents, social service workers, clergy, municipal employers or other interested parties in the MetroWest area. The workshop will focus on ways to maintain housing stability, accessing community resources, and how to find affordable housing (both subsidized and market rate).
March 9th: Workshop is open to Sudbury residents only. The workshop will focus on helping residents to fill out and submit subsidized housing applications, as well as applications for other resources such as: utility discounts, food stamps/SNAP, fuel assistance.
RSVP strongly encouraged to ensure adequate materials for participants. Please RSVP to hadvabb@sudbury.ma.us.
For more information, please click here to see the event flyer.