Requests for absentee ballots for the Annual Town Election on March 25th are now being accepted at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Applications for requesting absentee ballots for the Annual Town Election on Monday, March 25th are now being accepted at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Registered voters who will be out of Town on Election Day or for reasons of health, transportation or business commitments and wish to vote before March 25th may do so. An application to have a ballot mailed is available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Voters may also mail or fax a signed letter of request for an absentee ballot. Each request must include the signature of the voter; their Sudbury voting address and the address to which the ballot should be sent, if different. A family member of any voter may apply for an absentee ballot on behalf of such voter. Deadline for receiving applications for absentee ballots is Friday, March 22, 2002 at 5:00 PM.
Mail request to Town Clerk, Town Hall, 322 Concord Road or fax request to Town Clerk at 978-443-0264. Call 443-8891 extension 351 for additional information.