Two Vacancies on the Conservation Commission
What are we doing to ensure our future environmental security? One way to look at the preservation of wetlands, floodplains and wildlife habitats is to think in terms of “banking” resources for future communities and generations. Protected wetlands and floodplains provide both present and long-term benefits in the form of resources with economic or financial values: prevention of flooding and storm damage, prevention of pollution, and preservation of water quality.
Commission members are volunteers who administer important state and local laws. They generally come from other backgrounds and professions and learn their Commission skills “on the job”. Their hard work results in strict protection for wetlands and floodplains, preservation of wildlife habitat, better water quality, and acquisition of open space and trails.
There is an immediate opening on the Commission for two new members, to be appointed by the Town Manager with the approval of the Selectmen. If you are interested in finding out more about the Commission’s role and responsibilities, please contact the Conservation Coordinator at 978-443-2209 x1370 or The Commission meets two Mondays per month (one per month in the summer) with occasional extra meetings, and encourages those with an interest in membership to attend several meetings to see first- hand the duties, responsibilities, and commitment of a Commissioner. The Commission meeting schedule and location can be found on the Town website or by calling the Coordinator.
Submitted by your Sudbury Conservation Commission
Department Page News, Front Page News, Volunteer Opportunity