Massachusetts Drought Alert – Still In A Drought
Massachusetts is still in a Drought. Although the state received some snow and rain in February, conditions have continued to worsen. EEA has declared the following drought conditions: Connecticut River Valley, Central and Northeast Regions at Level 3—Critical Drought and Western, Southeast, Cape Cod and Islands Regions at Level 2 – Significant Drought.
Over the past month, most of the state received 2-4 inches of precipitation which is 1-1.5 inches below normal. Despite temporary surges in streamflow from recent precipitation, streamflow and groundwater conditions have worsened in nearly all regions, and recharge that typically occurs at this time of the year to groundwater and reservoirs is diminished. It is imperative that we continue to practice indoor water conservation to ensure that our drinking water supplies are sustained, and to fully recover from and reduce drought impacts.
We’re entering FIRE SEASON early!
Residents, Facilities & Businesses (including private wells users)
Water Use Tips
• Aggressively reduce indoor water use
• take shorter showers with a timer
• avoid water running while brushing/shaving, etc.
• Run dishwashers & washing machines only at full capacity
• Minimize overall water use
• Follow local water restrictions
• Monitor total household water use shown on water bill for sudden increases
• Fix leaks immediately
Outdoor Fire Prevention Tips
• Burning yard waste is prohibited
• Stop outdoor cooking/heating
• Use caution with power equipment
• Properly dispose of ashes and smoking materials
Cities & Towns
• Establish a year-round water conservation program that includes public education and communication using outreach materials
• Provide timely drought and water conservation information to local residents and businesses
• Check emergency inter-connections with other water suppliers
• Implement drought surcharge or seasonal water rates
• Establish water use reduction targets for all water users
• Conduct targeted outreach to identified top water users
• Establish a leak detection program
• Develop or refine local drought management plan using guidance in the state Drought Management Plan
• Limit or prohibit washing of hard surfaces, vehicles, boats