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Bruce Freeman Rail Trail MEPA Certificate Issued

(Sticky Post) Published

November 22, 2021

| Planning & Community Development
| Updated

December 29, 2021

| Automatically Archived on 2/1/2022

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The MEPA Certificate for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Project was issued on December 22, 2021. The Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs determined the Environmental Notification Form (ENF) has adequately described and analyzed the project and its alternatives, and assessed its potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures. Based on review of the ENF and comments received on it, and in consultation with State Agencies, it was determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is not required.

MEPA Process Information 

MassDOT and the Town of Sudbury submitted the ENF for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Project to the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (MEPA). 

The timeline for the MEPA process was as follows:

  • The notice of the ENF was published by the Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs in the Environmental Monitor and Metro West Daily News: November 22, 2021
  • Virtual Consultation Session was held: December 7, 2021 at 10 AM.  Please see the announcement or email for more information.
  • Comment deadline: December 13, 2021
  • Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs issues Certificate: December 22, 2021

Where can I find the ENF?

The Town has provided the ENF on the website at the following link: 

Environmental Notification Form (ENF) for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Project 

Copies of the ENF may be requested from:
          Bryan Cordeiro, MassDOT
          Phone:  (857) 368-8813

Copies of the ENF are also available at the Sudbury Conservation Commission and Planning Board offices.

How can I comment on the ENF?

  • All persons wishing to comment on the project should email
  • Mail correspondence will continue to be accepted, though responses may be delayed. Mail correspondence should be directed to:

          Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs
          100 Cambridge St., Suite 900
          Boston, Massachusetts 02114
          Attention: MEPA Office, Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Project, MassDOT Project 608164

MEPA in Context

The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act applies to State Agencies and project proponents which must study the environmental consequences of their actions and identify environmental impacts, review alternatives, and develop mitigation measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate damage to the environment. The MEPA ENF filing is required for the BFRT project because of state agency (MassDOT) involvement in and funding for the project and the need for State Agency Permits (Chapter 91 Determination of Applicability/Minor Modification and MBTA Access Permit), as well as the exceedance of MEPA review thresholds requiring the submission of an ENF.  The review thresholds exceeded for the BFRT project are:

  • Creation of five or more acres of impervious area and
  • Provided a permit is required, alteration of one half or more acres of any other wetland.

MEPA is not a permitting process, but through the review process the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs makes recommendations to ensure appropriate environmental impacts are avoided, minimized, and mitigated.

For more information on the Sudbury BFRT project, please visit Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Sudbury Information.