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Frost Farm – Waiting List Information

(Sticky Post) Published

June 13, 2024

| Planning & Community Development

Frost Farm is a 44-unit age-restricted development, where the units are sold to eligible purchasers at prices discounted from the market rate.

All purchasers must be considered eligible. The Department of Planning and Community Development qualifies households to the waiting list, maintained by the Frost Farm Condominium Association ( The Frost Farm Application 2024 must be completed and submitted as indication with the required documentation. The application, with its eligibility requirements, is updated periodically.

When units are for sale, notice is given first (for 30 days) to people on the waiting list, and Sudbury residents have preference over all others on the list. Units are sold by the owner, and often use a real estate broker for those sales.

In terms of sales price, the Town sets a maximum sales price based on requirements in the Master Deed and development regulations. This is currently $704,250 (2024) though the current market price for the units may be below that. It is hard to say exactly, as the real estate market fluctuates, and has changed significantly in the last five years.

Please contact the Department of Planning and Community Development, (978) 639-3387 or the Frost Farm condominium at (978) 930-1644 if you have questions.
