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Route 20 Zoning Forum Results


October 28, 2011

| Planning Board
| Updated

August 11, 2016

| Automatically Archived on 8/12/2012

This Post has been archived and its content might be outdated. If you are looking for recent content, please check this Committee's Homepage.

The Planning Board hosted a meeting on October 26, 2011 where representatives from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council discussed the potential for changing zoning along the Route 20 corridor if or when a sewer system is constructed. The meeting created the opportunity for residents and business owners to “vote” on certain uses, design parameters and density concepts. The Planning Board will use the results from the preference poll in developing zoning bylaws and regulations for presentation at a future Town Meeting.

The presentation and results of the Route 20 Zoning Forum October 26, 2011 can be viewed here.