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Snow Removal Information


February 10, 2015

| Conservation Commission
| Automatically Archived on 2/25/2015

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Sent by Merrill, Pamela (DEP)

Regarding snow disposal

February 9, 2015: Due to the extraordinary weather experienced by the Commonwealth in the past several weeks, municipalities throughout the Commonwealth are facing significant challenges in their efforts clear, remove and dispose of historic accumulations of snow. MassDEP recognizes that cities and towns may need to undertake emergency measures to ensure protection of public safety.

As communities proceed with necessary emergency snow disposal, we recommend you use the best management guidelines included in the MassDEP Emergency Disposal Guidance, including:

–  Dispose of snow in open water with adequate flow and mixing to prevent ice dams from forming.

–  Do not dispose of snow in saltmarshes, vegetated wetlands, certified vernal pools, shellfish beds, mudflats, drinking water reservoirs and their tributaries, Zone IIs or IWPAs of public water supply wells, Outstanding Resource

Waters, or Areas of Critical Environmental Concern.

–  Do not dispose of snow where trucks may cause shoreline damage or erosion.

– Consult with the municipal Conservation Commission to ensure that snow disposal in open water complies with local ordinances and bylaws.