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Eversource & Mass Central Rail Trail Stormwater Management Application

(Sticky Post) Published

August 3, 2020

| Planning Board
| Updated

February 15, 2021

| Automatically Archived on 3/31/2021

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Co-applicants, NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy (“Eversource”) and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation (“DCR”), have filed an application for a Major Stormwater Management Permit for construction of the Sudbury-Hudson Transmission Reliability and Mass Central Rail Trail Project. The Project includes construction of a new 115-kV underground transmission line and a multi-use path within an existing inactive railroad right-of-way, which will require removal of the existing rails and ties; vegetation clearing; grading; installation of the underground transmission line, duct bank, and manholes; installing a 14-foot-wide gravel base; paving of the 10-foot-wide rail trail; installation of stormwater management features; and site restoration.

Along the 4.3‑mile length in Sudbury, the Project will disturb approximately 643,985 square feet (14.8 acres), including 221,410 square feet on slopes greater than 10 percent, within an approximate 2,367,103 square feet (54.4 acres) Project Locus (the MBTA right-of-way). The increase in impervious surface associated with the Project for the paved multi-use path is approximately 226,556 square feet.

In accordance with the provisions of Article V(F). Stormwater Management, Section 5.C, of the Town of Sudbury General Bylaw the Sudbury Planning Board held a public hearing on August 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM as a virtual meeting. More information may be found on the Planning Board Meeting page at

The application and associated materials are found below.

Planning Board Public Hearing Notice, August 12, 2020

Stormwater Management Permit Application Package

Eversource Project Plans

Mass Central Rail Trail Plans

Revised Cover Sheet for Stormwater Application

Project Contact Information

Applicant’s Response to Stormwater Comments from BETA Peer Review, July 30, 2020

Planning Board Meeting Slides, August 12, 2020

Horsley Witten Peer Review – Eversource Rail Trail, September 18, 2020

Applicant’s Response to Horsley Witten Peer Review – Eversource Rail Trail, October 21, 2020

Attachment A – Plans Eversource

Attachment A – Plans DCR Rail Trail

Attachment B – Stormwater Report

Attachment C – Operation &Maintenance Plan (O & M) and Long Term Pollution Prevention Plan (LTPPP)

Attachment D – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

VHB Memo on Standards Compliance, November 10, 2020

VHB Memo – Response to Horsley Witten Peer Review, November 10, 2020

November 2, 2020 Conservation Commission Meeting Summary, Lori Capone, November 3, 2020

Horsley Witten 2nd Peer Review – Eversource Rail Trail, November 23, 2020 

VHB Memo and Revised Plans – Response to Horsley Witten Peer Review, December 2, 2020

Horsley Witten 3rd Peer Review – Eversource Rail Trail, December 4, 2020

Revised DCR Stormwater Plans, January 13, 2021

Revised Eversource Stormwater Plans, January 13, 2021

VHB Revised Stormwater Report, October 21, 2020

Soil and Groundwater Analytical Memo, June 12, 2020

Corridor Management Plan for Massachusetts Central Rail Trail and Sudbury-Hudson Transmission Reliability Project, August 7, 2020

Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT) Stormwater Management System Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M) and Long Term Pollution Prevention Plan (LTPPP), June 2020

Stormwater Management Permit Draft Decision, January 27, 2021

Stormwater Management Permit Final Decision, January 27, 2021