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Planning Board to Amend Stormwater Management Regulations


November 2, 2012

| Planning Board
| Automatically Archived on 12/14/2012

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In accordance with the provisions of Article V(F), Section 4.B of the Town of Sudbury Bylaws, the Planning Board, jointly with the Conservation Commission, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 7:45 p.m. at Town Hall, 322 Concord Road to revise the Stormwater Management Bylaw regulations, originally adopted on September 9, 2009, as follows: 

1.    Section 6.J.2 to remove the word “repaving” and to change the number “2,000” to “5,000” so that section reads as follows:

“Standard Conditions for disturbance or alteration, including paving or resurfacing, of from 500 square feet to 5,000 square feet of land in a commercial, industrial, institutional or exempt use provided there is no net increase in impervious surface; unless such use is an existing non-conforming use prohibited under Section 4242 of the Town of Sudbury Zoning Bylaw (Water Resource Protection District), shall be as follows:”;

2.    Section 6.J.3 to add the word “sewer” so that section reads as follows:

“Standard Conditions for construction or maintenance and repair of utility lines (gas, water, sewer, electric, telephone, etc.) other than drainage lines or systems, which will alter terrain, ground cover, or drainage patterns, shall be as follows:”;

3.    Section 7.D.2.a by adding the following sentence at the end of that section: “The initial amount of this technical review fee shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).” so that section reads as follows:

“In addition to the above fees, the Planning Board or its designated Reviewing Agent is authorized to require an applicant to pay a fee for the reasonable costs and expenses for specific expert engineering and other consultant services deemed necessary by the Planning Board or its designated Reviewing Agent to come to a final decision on the application.  Payment may be required at any point in the deliberations prior to a final decision. The initial amount of this technical review fee shall be two thousand dollars ($2,00.00).”;  

and any other changes identified at the hearing.

Any person interested, or wishing to be heard on the proposed regulations should appear at the time and place designated.