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Invasive Plants and Insects of Sudbury

Invasive plants and insects pose a significant threat to our forests, fields, and wetlands, both on public and private land, and protecting our native biodiversity demands a collective effort involving everyone in the community. If you’re interested in joining this cause, you can get involved by volunteering, addressing invasives on your own property, and educating yourself on what to watch out for during outdoor activities.

To learn how to identify and manage specific invasives you may find around Sudbury, please explore the links below.


Identification and Control of Invasive Plants Present in Sudbury:

  1. Asiatic Bittersweet
  2. Asiatic Honeysuckles
  3. Autumn Olive
  4. Black Swallowwort
  5. Burning Bush/Winged Euonymus
  6. Canada and Bull Thistle
  7. Common and Glossy Buckthorn
  8. Common Reed Grass/Phragmites
  9. Garlic Mustard
  10. Greater Celandine
  11. Japanese Barberry
  12. Japanese Hops
  13. Japanese Knotweed
  14. Lesser Celandine
  15. Mile-a-Minute
  16. Mugwort
  17. Multiflora Rose
  18. Norway Maple
  19. Porcelain Berry
  20. Purple Loosestrife
  21. Tree of heaven
  22. Wall Lettuce
  23. Water Chestnut
  24. Yellow Flag Iris


Identification and Control of Invasive Insects Present in Sudbury:

  1. Asian Jumping Worm
  2. Asian Longhorned Beetle
  3. Box Tree Moth
  4. Emerald Ash Borer
  5. Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
  6. Spongy Moth
  7. Spotted Lantern Fly

Please be aware that invasive species management within 100 feet of wetlands and/or 200 feet of rivers requires review and approval from the Conservation Commission. Please visit our wetlands permitting page for more information.

If you would like to report a sighting of an invasive pest, visit the Mass NRC page here