Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Planning

(Sticky Post) Published May 31, 2019 | Planning & Community Development | Updated July 8, 2019

Sudbury is participating in the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program, which is coordinated by the Commonwealth’s Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and focuses on community planning for climate change resiliency and implementing key climate change adaptation actions for resiliency. Communities who complete the MVP planning process become certified as a MVP community and are eligible for MVP Action grant funding from the state and other opportunities.  The Summary of Findings Report and Workshop Discussion Matrix were submitted to EEA in May 2019.

Key components of the MVP Planning Process are the:

MVP Workshop, which was held on May 14, 2019 with nearly 50 invited attendees representing Town boards and committees, regional partners (from health services, transportation, utilities, and environmental sectors), business and property owners, and Town staff.  Workshop participants worked in small groups to identify vulnerabilities and strengths, and then ultimately prioritized potential community actions to make Sudbury more resilient to climate change.

MVP Listening Session, which was held on May 30, 2019 to present the findings of the MVP workshop and planning process.

Regulatory review and update, which is an additional, related initiative underway to identify opportunities to make Sudbury’s policies, bylaws, and regulations more closely align with the outcomes of the MVP plan. 

For more information about the MVP program and to access relevant climate change data, please see the following links.

Please contact Beth Suedmeyer, Environmental Planner at 978-639-3387 or with any questions.