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Sudbury 2022 Update: Precincts 1,2,3,4,5,6

(Sticky Post) Published

February 15, 2022

| Town Clerk
| Updated

February 22, 2022

Your Precinct or Polling Place may have changed as of 12/31/21. 
Please visit the Secretary of State’s WHERE DO I VOTE Election
Information Search to verify your precinct.

As of December 31, 2021, Sudbury has 6 Precincts. Precinct boundaries in Sudbury were changed as a result of the 2020 Federal Census. Voters will be notified via the Annual Census (mailed end of February) of any changes to their precinct.

Polling Place Changes

Pending Select Board approval

  • NEW Precinct 3 Votes at Fairbank
  • NEW Precinct 6 Votes at Town Hall
  • Please note, ALL PRECINCTS are affected by the changes, please visit the WHERE DO I VOTE Election Information Search to verify your precinct.

Precinct Changes

  • NEW Precinct 6 Added
  • NEW Precinct 1A Eliminated
  • Please note, ALL PRECINCTS are affected by the changes, please visit the WHERE DO I VOTE Election Information Search to verify your precinct.
Locate streets and boundary locations on the 2021 Sudbury Precinct Map. Click below for the Updated Sudbury Precincts Map. Be sure to check your Annual Census for updated information on your precinct and polling place. Click below for Sample 2022 Annual Census.
Sudbury Precinct Map 2022

On December 6, 2021 the State approved the above map adding a new precinct in Sudbury.