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The Coolidge Phase 2 Comprehensive Permit Application


February 6, 2017

| Planning & Community Development
| Updated

October 25, 2018

The Town of Sudbury Zoning Board of Appeals has received an application for a Comprehensive Permit proposed by B’nai B’rith Housing New England, Inc. on a 6 acre parcel at 187 Boston Post Road.  The proposal is for the construction of 56 senior age-restricted housing rental units. This application constitutes Phase II of the project originally approved in 2011, and includes the subdivision of the 6 acre parcel into two 3 acre parcels to accommodate the new structure. The project is known as Coolidge at Sudbury, Phase Two, and is identified as Assessor’s map and parcel K10-0012.

The Board of Appeals approved this application for 56 units at their Hearing on February 27, 2017 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall.

Site plans and building elevations have been submitted with the application.

The Planning and Community Development office has a binder with the application and supporting documentation for public review. The Coolidge at Sudbury – Phase 2 Application can be accessed here. The Coolidge Site Plans can be accessed here. The Coolidge Architectural Drawings can be accessed here.

Below are some of the documents pertaining to The Coolidge – Phase2  40B application but it is by no means an exhaustive list. Please contact the Planning Department to obtain copies of documents you do not see listed below.

Click here for the 40B Planning Guide from Mass Department of Housing & Economic Development

Click here for Sudbury 40B Evaluation Process & Standards

Additional materials received on this application include:

The Coolidge at Sudbury – Phase 2 Application for Comprehensive Permit

Board of Health Letter_8.19.16

Fire Department Letter_8.23.16

Building Inspector Letter_8.29.16

Conservation Commission Letter_8.31.16

Conservation Commission Revised Comments_9.1.16

Coolidge Response to Fire Department Memo_9.9.16

Coolidge Response to Building Inspector Memo_9.9.16

Coolidge Response to Board of Health Memo_9.9.16

Letters of Support_9.12.16

Transportation Impact Assessment-Vanasse Traffic Study_9.12.16

Sudbury Senior Housing LIHTC-Market Study by Bonz and Company_9.12.16

Sudbury Water District_9.14.16

Water Impact Report_10.7.16

Council on Aging Memo_10.17.16

Planning and Community Development Memo to ZBA _Overview Memo_10.12.16

Raised Grade Sketch Fire Ladder_10.17.16

Fire Truck Site Circulation_9.9.16

Revised Site Plan_10.13.16

Coolidge_Response to Council on Aging Memo_10.20.16

Coolidge_Response to PCD Memo_10.20.16

Proposed Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations_10.24.16

Sudbury Water District Comments_Water Impact Report_10.24.16

Letter from Vincent Nappa_Coolidge Resident_11.1.2016

Stormwater Application_11.28.16

Site Plan_Revised _11.28.16

Compiled Operations Packet_11.28.16

Architecture Drawings, Floor Plans and Elevations_Revised_11.28.16

Council on Aging Response Letter to Coolidge_11.30.16

Fire Access Exhibit_12.1.16

Meagen Donoghue, PCD Memo_12.1.16

Horsley Witten Group, Stormwater Peer Review_1.3.17

Stormwater Peer Review Response from Hancock Associates_01.05.17

Coolidge Phase 2 Requested Waivers_1.6.17

Sudbury Council on Aging Presentation_1.9.17

Comments from Conservation Commission_1.9.17

Revised Site Plan_1.17.2017

Stormwater Report prepared by Hancock Associates_1.17.17

Response Letter from Hancock Associates to Horsley Witten Group Stormwater Peer Review_1.20.17

Letter from Sudbury Water District_1.24.17

Clarification Regarding Subdivision of Property_1.24.17

Planning and Community Development Memo to ZBA_1.25.17

Planning Board Memo_1.25.17

Coolidge 2 Response To Water District_1.25.17

Coolidge 2 Response To Conservation Commission_1.26.17

Horsley Witten 2nd Stormwater Peer Review_1.26.17

Conservation Coordinator, Debbie Dineen_ 2nd set of comments_2.1.17

Updated Civil Plans and Details_2.2.17

Hancock Associates Response to Horsley Witten 2nd Peer Review_2.6.17

Response to Planning Board Comment Memo dated 1.25.17 from Coolidge_2.6.17

Graph of 911 calls from existing Coolidge at Sudbury_2.6.17

Revised/Updated Architectural Plans_2.7.17

Bill Murphy, Director of Board of Health letter_2.21.17

Coolidge 2 Landscape Plan and Additional Plantings_2.24.17

Septic System Specifications_2.27.17

Snow Removal Plan_2.27.17

Coolidge Phase 2 Decision_3.10.17

Modification to Comprehensive Permit 11-27_The Coolidge_4.7.17