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EVERSOURCE Sudbury to Hudson Transmission Line Project


December 12, 2022

| Select Board's Office
| Updated

September 25, 2024

On February 2, 2016 Eversource Energy made a presentation before the Sudbury Select Board to introduce the Sudbury to Hudson Transmission Reliability Project. The project proposes to install a 115-kV transmission line through areas of Hudson and Sudbury and smaller sections of Marlborough and Stow.

Having obtained the required approvals, Eversource began construction on their Sudbury-Hudson Transmission Line Project in the fall of 2022: Please see Start of Construction Notice 10/11/22. The Town worked closely with resident groups, staff, committees and special counsel to raise concerns about the project, which will disturb land along the MBTA-owned Right of Way (approximate project route shown in purple below). The installation of underground power lines along the route will be followed by construction of Sudbury’s portion of the Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT).

As Eversource moves forward with the project, Town staff and consultants will work with Eversource and their construction contractor Bond to ensure the work complies with established conditions. Eversource will provide updates as the project progresses.


Construction Updates

Click hyperlinks below for emails and notifications sent to residents from Eversource.





Contact Information

Residents with questions, comments or concerns about the project are encouraged to contact Eversource via the following:


Phone 1-833-836-0302

Resident Support Office Hours In November and December 2022, Eversource held open office hours in Sudbury and Hudson. Resident Support Office Hours offered an opportunity to learn more about the project and ask questions with Eversource Field Outreach Representative Brianna Germain. Future office hours dates and locations will be posted as they are scheduled.


Construction Information & Project Updates


The Sudbury to Hudson Transmission Reliability Project page of the Eversource website contains information about the project and will be updated as construction progresses.

During Project Construction


SIGN-UP FOR UPDATES Sign up to receive project construction updates via email.

INTERACTIVE PROJECT MAP Track project progress.


Mass Central Rail Trail Update

MassDOT held Virtual Design Public Hearing: MCRT Sudbury/Wayland Rail to Trail on Thursday, March 2 at 6PM. This Design Public Hearing is for the portion of the MCRT project that will run from the Eversource substation near The Coolidge (address of approximately 163/183 Boston Post Road) and head EASTWARD into Wayland to the Wayland Library on Route 27/126.


Project History & Information

Please see links and resources below to learn more about the Eversource Transmission Line project and Sudbury’s response.


Soil Testing and Sampling Results Q&A Updated 10/6/22

Responses to questions from the August 30, 2022 Select Board meeting. 

Sudbury GOL Sampling Report September 29, 2022

Eversource Soil Testing Q&A September 21, 2022


Court Decisions

SJC – MBTA Case Dismissal Affirmation. September 22, 2020

Superior Court – MEPA Appeal Decision. August 5, 2021

SJC – Siting Board Appeal Dismissal. June 25, 2021

Energy Facilities Siting Board – Final Decision. December 23, 2019


Town of Sudbury Decisions

Conservation Commission – Order of Conditions

Earth Removal Board – Earth Removal Permit

    Condition 15 Requirement Documentation February 1, 2023

    Supplemental Soil & Groundwater Sampling Analysis & Results March 14, 2022

Historic Districts Commission – Certificate of Appropriateness

     Updated Plans – Boston Post Rd Near Station Rd Submitted September 19, 2022

Planning Board – Stormwater Management Permit

     Permit Performance Bond October 27, 2022

     Stormwater Management Permit Modification Approved September 14, 2022

    Environmental Compliance Manual (Including Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan [SWPPP]) July 25, 2022

    Environmental Compliance Manual – Associated Plans July 25, 2022

     Lease Agreement between Eversource and the MBTA April 25, 2022

     Memorandum of Understanding between Eversource and Department of Conservation and Recreation March 29, 2022

     Illicit Discharge Compliance Statement September 30, 2021

Select Board – Grant of Location Permit. May 5, 2021

     Q&A – Grant of Location. January 13, 2021


Other Decisions and Approvals

404 General Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) October 31, 2022

USACE Work Start Notification Form October 31, 2022

Army Corps of Engineers Memorandum of Agreement

Executed Memorandum of Agreement October 19, 2022

Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) on the final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). September 14, 2018

Eversource and Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Memorandum of Understanding. March 24, 2022

Eversource Environmental Compliance Manual for Sudbury – Hudson Transmission Line Project. May 25, 2022


Soil & Groundwater Testing and Other Reports

Grant of Location Soil & Groundwater Assessment Results September 8, 2022

Soil & Groundwater Management Plan (SGM). January 2022

SGM Memo May 4, 2022

Earth Removal Board Supplemental Soil & Groundwater Sampling Results. March 14, 2022

Earth Removal Board Supplemental Soil & Groundwater Sampling Plan. Oct. 15, 2021

Conservation Commission – Coldwater Fishery Report Results. June 2022

Grant of Location (GOL) Sampling Plan. June 13, 2022

Conservation Commission – Additional Sampling Activities. October 20, 2021

Conservation Commission Summary of Soil and Groundwater Analytical Results and Subsurface Media Management. June 12, 2020


8/11/2022: Pre-Construction Work
As a part of necessary pre-construction efforts for the Sudbury to Hudson (115 kV) Underground Transmission Project, Eversource, through contractors (BOND Civil & Utility Construction and E.T. & L. Corp.), will be performing environmental surveys along the inactive Massachusetts Bay Transportation (“MBTA”) rail corridor.

Official Notification from Eversource


6/14/22: Survey Work and Soil Sampling

Over the next several weeks, Eversource contractors (Weston & Sampson) will be conducting sampling, through soil borings, at four road crossings (Dutton Road, Peakham Road, Horse Pond Road and Union Avenue) in Sudbury.

Official Notification and GOL Sampling Plan


11/29/21: Survey Work and Soil Sampling

Eversource contractors will be conducting soil sampling in the MBTA corridor. In Sudbury, soil sampling will be completed within the inactive MBTA corridor. Access to the right-of-way will take place of off Dutton Road, Peakham Road, Horse Pond Road, Union Avenue and Boston Post Road.

Official Notification from Eversource


11/12/21: Grant of Location (GOL) Sampling Plan

PFAS Sampling Plan to meet Conditions 43 and 44 in the GOL permit prepared by Weston & Sampson Engineers on behalf of Eversource.


10/26/21: Eversource General Survey Work in MBTA Corridor

Eversource contractors will be performing assessments of the Sudbury to Hudson Reliability Project route this week. Residents, visitors, and Town officials in the community may see company representatives in the MBTA corridor and streets starting soon. 

These contractors will have proper identification however, if there are any concerns or questions, please call 1-800-793-2202 or send a message to


5/10/21: Grant of Location – Voted by Select Board 5/5/21

Order for Location for Lines, Wires and Cables

In Board of 5/5/21 Vote


3/16/21: SJC Clarification Letters – Energy Facilities Siting Board

Letter Dated 2/25/21 on behalf of EFSB

Letter Dated 3/12/21 on behalf of EFSB


3/9/21: Post-Argument Filing Letter – Town of Sudbury

Letter Dated 3/4/21 from BCK Law on behalf of the Town.


2/5/21: SJC Appeal Amicus Brief – National Grid

Amicus Brief Dated 2/5/21 in the pending SJC appeal filed on behalf of the following Amicus Curiae New England Power Company DBA National Grid.


2/3/21: SJC Appeal Amicus Brief

Amicus Brief Dated 2/3/21 in the pending SJC appeal filed on behalf of the following Amici: 

    • The Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition [Massbike]
    • The Mass. Central Rail Trail Coalition
    • The East Quabbin Land Trust
    • The East Coast Greenway Alliance
    • The Rails to Trails Conservancy


1/28/21: SJC Appeal Amicus Brief

Amicus Brief Dated 1/28/21 in the pending SJC appeal filed by Kin K. Gee.


11/30/20: Chapter 91 Public Hearing Presentations – Bridge 127 & Bridge 128

Bridge 127 – Chapter 91 Hearing Presentation

Bridge 128 – Chapter 91 Hearing Presentation


Update 10/5/20: Town of Sudbury Appeals Status

Whether the final decision of the Energy Facilities Siting Board (board) approving, with conditions, (a) a new underground transmission line located primarily in Sudbury and Hanson, within an inactive Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority right of way and an in-street segment; and (b) individual and comprehensive zoning exemptions from the zoning bylaws of the towns of Sudbury, Hudson, and Stow, should be set aside.

  1. Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) Land Court Appeal


Update 8/24/20: Town of Sudbury Appeals Status

The Town of Sudbury is currently appealing three issues pertaining to the Eversource Transmission Line project: SJC Land Court Case, EFSB Decision and MEPA Certificate. Please see below for details.

  1. Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) Land Court Appeal
    • Appeal of the Land Court judgment alleging that the MBTA violated Massachusetts prior public use doctrine, which precludes land taken for a particular public use to be diverted to an inconsistent public use without plain and explicit authorizing legislation. Oral arguments before the SJC were held on October 1, 2019. On April 29, 2020 the SJC waived its 130 day rule, giving itself more time to issue a decision.
    • Oral Argument Video
    • SJC Docket Information
    • Town of Sudbury Reply Brief 5/21/2019
  2. Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) Appeal
    • Appeal of the December 18, 2019 EFSB decision to approve the Eversource Transmission Line project. In July 2020, a joint motion was entered to consolidate the Town of Sudbury’s appeal (SJ-2020-0026) with Protect Sudbury’s appeal (SJ-2020-0029). The Town’s appeal alleges the EFSB committed errors of law, that the EFSB’s decision to approve the project is unwarranted by facts on the record, and that the Siting Board “erroneously determined that subject to its required conditions, the Project is necessary for the purpose alleged, and will serve the public convenience, and is consistent with the public interest.” Oral arguments have not yet been scheduled.
    • SJC Docket Information
    • Town of Sudbury Petition for Appeal 1/27/20
  3. Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office (MEPA) Certificate Appeal
    • Appeal of the MEPA Certificate granted for the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) filed for the Eversource Transmission Line project.
    • Superior Court Docket Information
      1. Court Department = The Superior Court
      2. Court Division = Suffolk County Civil
      3. Case Number = 2084CV00151

    • Town of Sudbury Judicial Review Request 1/17/20


Update 8/2/20: Eversource & Mass Central Rail Trail Stormwater Management Application

NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy (“Eversource”) and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation (“DCR”), have filed an application with the Planning Board for a Major Stormwater Management Permit for construction of the Sudbury-Hudson Transmission Reliability and Mass Central Rail Trail Project. The Project includes construction of a new 115-kV underground transmission line and a multi-use path within an existing inactive railroad right-of-way, which will require removal of the existing rails and ties; vegetation clearing; grading; installation of the underground transmission line, duct bank, and manholes; installing a 14-foot-wide gravel base; paving of the 10-foot-wide rail trail; installation of stormwater management features; and site restoration. The Sudbury Planning Board held a public hearing on August 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM as a virtual meeting.

For more details and application materials, please visit



MassDEP Notice of License Public Comment Notice for Bridge 127 200827 (August 27, 2020)

MassDEP Notice of License Public Comment Notice for Bridge 128 200827 (August 27, 2020)

Chapter 91 Request for Extended Term 200702 (July 2, 2020)

Sudbury-Hudson Transmission Reliability and Mass Central Rail Trail Project: Bridge Replacements by VHB (May 27, 2020)



Letter to USACE from Concerned Citizens (October 13, 2021)

Letter to Surface Transportation Board Chair Oberman from Select Board (October 6, 2021)

Letter to Governor Baker and Eversource CEO Nolan from Select Board (October 5, 2021)

Bolton Conservation Commission Letter of Support (June 10, 2019)

Town Response to Final Impact Environmental Report (September 7, 2018)

Notification of Soil Borings & Test Pitting on MBTA ROW (August 27, 2018)

Email Regarding Final Environmental Impact Report (July 30, 2018)

Letter Regarding MAPC Meeting on Mass Central Rail Trail (July 31, 2017)

Notification Regarding Field Activities (June 20, 2017)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Letter (June 14, 2017) 

Right of Way Spring Aerial Helicopter Patrols from Eversource   (May 17, 2017)

Protect Sudbury Response From MassDOT  (April 4, 2017)

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Congresswoman Katherine Clark and Congresswoman Niki Tsongas Eversource Concerns Letter (October 18, 2016)

Organization for the Assabet River (OARS) Letter (September 6, 2016)

Friends of the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge Letter (August 14, 2016)

Survey Work Continuation Notification (July 11, 2016)

Town Manager Letter to Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Chairmen (June 20, 2016)

Survey Work Continuation Notification (June 14, 2016)

Board of Selectmen Letter to Energy & Environmental Affairs Sec. (May 24, 2016)

Eversource FAQ (May 11, 2016- UPDATED June 2, 2016)

Eversource Notification of Survey Work  (May 2, 2016- UPDATED May 3, 2016)

Senator Eldridge, Representative Hogan and Rep Gentile Letter (March 25, 2016)

Governor Baker Office Letter (March 18, 2016)

Board of Selectmen Letter (March 25, 2016)

Board of Selectmen Letter (March 17, 2016)

Town Manager Letter (March 14, 2016)

Conservation Commission Letter (March 15, 2015)

Historic Districts Commission Letter (March 14, 2016)

Historical Society Letter (March 18, 2016)



Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Injunctive Relief_MBTA (September 27, 2017)

Sudbury Petition to Intervene (June 15, 2017)

Eversource Petition to Construct Transmission Line – EFSB Hearing Notice (May 25, 2017)



Notice of Intent Hearing information and documentation filed with the Conservation Commission (March 2020 – Present)

MEPA Scoping Session (June 12, 2017)

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board – Public Hearing (May 25, 2017)

Board of Selectmen Meeting with Presentation from Eversource (October 26, 2016)

Eversource Meeting with Town staff (April 5, 2016)

Eversource Discussion Excerpt from Feb 2, 2016 Board of Selectmen Meeting

Open House Postcard (March 16, 2016)

Memo From Selectman Simon (Re: 3/7/16 Town of Hudson Board Meeting)



Presentation by Eversource to Board of Selectmen on 10/26/16

Routing and Design Re-Evaluation Results to Board of Selectmen at 09/06/16 Meeting.

Presentation by Eversource to Board of Selectmen at 02/02/16 Meeting. (Revised 3/24/16)

Presentation by Protect Sudbury to Board of Selectmen on 03/08/16


Press Releases

Sudbury Files Suit Against MBTA (September 28, 2017)

Developments Continue in Sudbury’s Fight against Eversource (April 13, 2017)

OARS Raises News Concerns about ‘Ecologically Damaging’ Eversource Project Press Release (October 17, 2016)

Eversource Project an “Exorbitant” Financial Burden Press Release (August 2, 2016)

Selectmen “Deeply Concerned” About Eversource Herbicide Use Press Release (June 16, 2016)

Board of Selectmen Press Release (April 7, 2016)

Board of Selectmen Press Release (April 1, 2016)

Sudbury Stands Together Press Release (March 18, 2016)



MEPA Final Environmental Impact Report filed by VHB on behalf of Eversource (July 2, 2018)

1966 Underground Power Lines Study (introduction from League of Women Voters)


Web Resources

ISO-New England website (non-profit organization that issued report citing deficiencies in electric system)

Email Signup (please click to sign up to receive updates regarding the Eversource project from the Town Manager)