What should I do if I think my assessment is too high? | Assessors Office | Property Value |
How do I obtain an Absentee Ballot? | Town Clerk | Election |
Grant FAQs - Sudbury Cultural Council | Cultural Council | |
Vote By Mail FAQs | Town Clerk | Election, Town Clerk |
Where do I vote? | Town Clerk | Election |
How do I proceed if I experience discrimination due to a disability? | Commission on Disability | Commission on Disability |
How do I apply for a disability placard or license plate? | Commission on Disability | Commission on Disability |
Which local resources address concerns of people with disabilities? | Commission on Disability | Commission on Disability |
What transportation options are available for those who don’t drive? | Commission on Disability | Commission on Disability |
How can I donate to the Sudbury Commission on Disability? | Commission on Disability | Commission on Disability |
What is the Difference Between Stickers? | Transfer Station / Recycling Center | Transfer Station - Recycling Center |
Do You Accept Yard Waste? | Transfer Station / Recycling Center | Transfer Station - Recycling Center |
How was the Energy and Sustainability Green Ribbon Committee formed? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
What Does the Energy and Sustainability Committee Do? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
What is Massachusetts Green Communities? Is Sudbury One of Them? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
What projects have the Town of Sudbury accomplished since the committee’s inception? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Who are the committee members? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
How can I help or serve the committee? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
What is Community Aggregation? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Am I being forced into this aggregation program? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Does the community aggregation program provide Green Energy choice? What choices do I have in terms of resource mix and/or cost of energy? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Does the committee have direct involvement with my local utility distribution services – gas, electric and water? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Does the committee assist with home energy efficiency programs? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Does the committee assist with Electric Vehicle Charging at my home or business? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
Does the committee assist with implementing Electric Vehicle Charging around town? | Energy and Sustainability Committee | Committees - Energy and Sustainability |
How Do I Complete My Campaign Finance Report | Town Clerk | |
Who are the Federal, State, and County Officials representing Sudbury? | Town Clerk | Town Clerk |
What is the process for becoming an Election Worker at the Polls? | Town Clerk | Election |
Who are Sudbury's elected Town Officials? | Town Clerk | Town Clerk |
What is a Business Certificate and Who Must File? | Town Clerk | Town Clerk |
How is a dog license obtained? | Town Clerk | Dogs |
Where do I apply for a DBA Certificate/Business Certificate? | Town Clerk | Forms |
How do I obtain a copy of a Marriage Certificate? | Town Clerk | Forms |
How do I obtain a copy of a Birth Certificate? | Town Clerk | Forms |
What is a Wetland? | Conservation Commission | Conservation |
What is the Sudbury Master Plan? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
How is the Master Plan used? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
Why should I care about the Master Plan and the update? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
Who’s creating the Master Plan? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
How can I get involved? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
How long is the update process? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
Where can I get more information about the Master Plan and other resources? | Master Plan Steering Committee | Master Plan |
Does Sudbury Public Health Nurse Offer Memory Screenings? | Board of Health Nurse | Health Department |
How to Report Possible Food-borne Illnesses | Board of Health Nurse | Health Department |
What do I do if I need help during a storm? | Board of Health Nurse | Health Department |
Where Do I Dispose of Needles & Prescription Medications? | Board of Health Nurse | Health Department, Police - Information |
Where is Sudbury's Emergency Shelter & What Should I Bring? | Board of Health Nurse | Dogs, Health Department |
What Are the Important Phone Numbers for Sudbury? | Board of Health Nurse | Phone Help |
Do I Need to Be a Medical Professional to Volunteer? | Medical Reserve Corps Executive Committee | Health Department |
How Do I Volunteer in Sudbury and Massachusetts? | Medical Reserve Corps Executive Committee | Health Department |
What is the Medical Reserve Corps? | Medical Reserve Corps Executive Committee | Health Department |
Where Can I Get My Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Checked? | Board of Health Nurse | Health, Health Department |
Can I Get a Flu Vaccine Through the Town of Sudbury? | Board of Health Nurse | Health - Flu Shot, Health Department |
How do I dispose of old smoke detectors and fire extinguishers? | Fire Department | Hazardous Waste |
How do I get a copy of a police report? | Police Department | Forms, Police - Information |
1. What is the Sudbury Historic District Commission (HDC)? | Historic Districts Commission | Committees, Historic District |
2. What is HDC's contact information? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District |
3. How do I find out if I live in an historic district? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District |
4. When and where are meetings held? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District, Meetings |
5. How are decisions by the Commission reached? | Historic Districts Commission | Guidelines, Historic District |
6. What does HDC have jurisdiction over? | Historic Districts Commission | Guidelines, Historic District |
8. What is the difference between National Register of Historic Places and Local Historic Districts? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District |
9. What is the process to apply and be granted a COA? | Historic Districts Commission | Forms, Historic District, Permits |
10. What are the benefits of a local historic designation? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District |
11. Can anyone propose a Local Historic Designation? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District |
12. What resources can you suggest? | Historic Districts Commission | Historic District |
13. Can I make a small change to a Certificate that has been granted? | Historic Districts Commission | Guidelines, Historic District |
14. Are changes I'm considering “visible from a public way"? | Historic Districts Commission | Committees, Guidelines, Historic District |
I can't add Google as my default search engine in Internet Explorer? | Information Systems | Computer Help, Internet Explorer |
Do I need a permit for a shed? | Building Department | Permits - Building |
When does the Put & Take Open? | Transfer Station / Recycling Center | Transfer Station / Recycling Center |
Where would Veterans obtain Service records? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
What are the contact numbers and websites for the Veterans' Administration and the Massachusetts State Department of Veterans' Services? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
Where can I make my tax payments online? | Collector / Treasurer | Collector / Treasurer |
I want to organize a committee for a candidate, ballot question or political action. How do I get started? | Town Clerk | Election |
I have turned my vehicle back in to the leasing company, may I apply for the abatement? | Assessors Office | Excise Tax |
What are the Recycling Materials accepted at the Transfer Station? | Transfer Station / Recycling Center | Transfer Station |
Is there anything families can do to improve the upkeep of the Cemeteries? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
Can the funding model for Cemetery maintenance be changed? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
What is the Town doing given this lack of funding for cemetery maintenance? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
Who oversees the investment of the Perpetual Care Trust? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
What happened in 2009 and 2010? It appears that the cemeteries are only being minimally maintained? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
Does relying on the interest earnings provide enough funding for proper maintenance of the Town | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
How is the $412.50 spent for the maintenance of the cemetery? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
What happens to the $412.50 once it is received by the Town? | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
Where do the funds to maintain the Town | Trees and Cemeteries | Cemetery Maintenance - Perpetual Care Fund |
Where do I register to vote? | Town Clerk | Election |
Where should I mail my tax payments? | Collector / Treasurer | Collector / Treasurer |
I am new to Massachusetts. Where can I learn about residency requirements, vehicle registration and other general information regarding this state? | Town Clerk | Town Clerk |
Who should I contact if I notice a safety issue with an existing walkway in town (ex: overgrown vegetation, pot holes, cracks, low-hanging tree branches)? | Planning & Community Development | Walkways |
My neighborhood wants a walkway installed on our street, but an easement will be necessary to accommodate a walkway on my property. What is an easement and what are my rights as a property owner? | Planning & Community Development | Walkways |
What is the procedure for having a new walkway constructed in my neighborhood? | Planning & Community Development | Walkways |
What department should I contact if a tree has fallen or if there are broken tree limbs on a street blocking passage? | Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee | Traffic Safety |
What department should I contact if there are any obstructed views at intersections due to overgrown vegetation? | Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee | Traffic Safety |
What is the procedure for requesting traffic enforcement in a particular area? | Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee | Traffic Safety |
Who do I contact if I have concerns about traffic issues related to development projects, i.e. trucks blocking streets or parking in inappropriate areas; noisy vehicles causing congestion on smaller roads; or trucks traveling at high speeds? | Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee | Traffic Safety |
What is the procedure for requesting the installation of traffic lights, street signs and/or crosswalks in town? | Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee | Traffic Safety |
What is the procedure for requesting a change to the speed limit on a particular road? | Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee | Traffic Safety |
How does the town ensure that walkways are fully accessible for persons with disabilities? | Planning & Community Development | Walkways |
What are the names of the 9 watersheds in Sudbury? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
How do I obtain a copy of a Death Certificate? | Town Clerk | Forms |
How can I get my soil tested and why is this a good idea? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
What are my options if a Beaver dam is causing a serious health hazard on or near my property? | Health Department | Health Department |
What are my options if a Beaver dam is causing a serious health hazard on or around my property? | Conservation Office | Conservation Office |
23 - Is the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Sudbury section described as a Secondary Route in the Plan? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
22 - Is the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Sudbury section described as a Primary Route in the Plan? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
21 - Is the Bruce Freeman Rail trail mentioned in the Plan? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
20 - What is the Massachusetts Statewide Bicycle Transportation Plan? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
How do I apply for a special permit or a variance from the Board of Appeals? | Building Department | Forms |
What is the strange-looking orange machine I saw on the Sudbury River? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
A pond near me is covered by green scum in the summer. What causes this and should I be worried about it? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
I have a pond (or stream) on my property and would like to remove some trees and shrubs along the edge. Are there any restrictions I should be aware of? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
I am having flooding problems on my property due to beaver activity in the area. What can I do? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
What are some ways to have an eco-friendly lawn? | Ponds and Waterways Committee | Ponds and Waterways Committee |
New Trench Regulation - What are the requirements for the excavation and trench safety regulation? | Building Department | Building Department |
How do I get more information on Lyme Disease and tick related topics? | Health Department | Health - Lyme Disease |
Whom should I contact concerning wild animals- i.e: foxes, skunks, raccoons, etc | Health Department | Health Department - Wild Animals on Property |
Should I contact the Board of Health about road-kill? | Health Department | Health - Road Kill |
Who do I contact regarding flu shot/ flu clinic information? | Health Department | Health - Flu Shot |
How close can a proposed house addition be from a septic system? | Health Department | Health Department - Septic System Setbacks |
What do I do if I have Mosquito complaints/questions/concerns regarding mosquito spraying/ non-spraying? | Health Department | Health Department - Mosquito Spraying |
I am selling my house. How do I get a Title 5 septic inspection? | Health Department | Health Department - Title 5 Inspection |
How do I dispose of old propane tanks? | Fire Department | Hazardous Waste |
Community Gardening in Sudbury | Conservation Commission | Conservation, Conservation Office |
Why does the fire engine come when I call for the ambulance? | Fire Department | Fire Department |
08 - How will the safety of trail users and motorists be maintained where the trail intersects a roadway? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
07 - What is the Town | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
06 - Would there be a curfew for the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
05 - Would motorized vehicles, especially motorcycles and snowmobiles, be allowed on the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
04 - How would the security of abutters and of trail users be maintained? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
03 - What rail trails are near Sudbury? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
02 - What kinds of rail-trail studies exist? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
01 - How can the effects of a rail trail in Sudbury be estimated? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (6) Safety & Quality of Life |
04 - When will Phase II be completed? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (5) Other Towns |
03 - What will Phase I look like? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (5) Other Towns |
02 - What is the status of the rail trail studies in the towns along the proposed trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (5) Other Towns |
01 - What are the proposed phases of trail construction along the entire Lowell-Framingham right of way? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (5) Other Towns |
07 - How will disruption to wildlife along the trail be minimized? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
06 - How much clearing would be required to construct the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
05 - Will the Town of Sudbury's wetlands bylaw apply to the rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
04 - What will happen to the old ties? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
03 - What will be the impact of the rail trail on the Town of Sudbury's wells? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
02 - What happens if contamination is found on the old rail bed? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
01 - How will environmental damage be avoided? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (4) Environment |
19 - With the backlog of needed road and bridge repairs, how can the state consider spending state and federal funds on a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
18 - Who would pay for policing of the rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
17 - Who would pay for the maintenance of the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
16 - What would it cost to maintain a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
15 - Who would pay for the costs of a future major trail improvement, especially resurfacing? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
14 - Do the rails have any value? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
13 - What agreements with the Executive Office of Transportation EOT would be required to convert the state-owned section to a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
12 - What are the land acquisition costs for the railroad right of way? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
11 - What if the trail conversion is done entirely with Sudbury funds? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
10 - What must be done if trail conversion is done with state and federal funds? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
09 - Who makes the decisions on how the rail trail is designed, financed and constructed? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
08 - How much control would the Town of Sudbury have over the design and construction process? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
07 - What are Sudbury's options for funding the design and construction of a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
06 - How can we justify spending money on a rail trail with the continuing pressure on the Town's finances? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
05 - How much money has the Town of Sudbury spent in studying the rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
04 - Where would dollars for the Town's portion of the rail trail come from? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
03 - If the rail trail were partially funded from the federal transportation act, what fraction of the costs would be borne by Sudbury? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
02 - How much would designing and constructing a rail trail in Sudbury cost? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
01 - What are the usual steps in the process of building a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (3) Development Process and Costs |
8 - What is the status of the informal walking path that currently exists along some section of the rail bed? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
07 - Has construction started on the rail trail south of Route 20? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
06 - Will the trail be plowed in the winter? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
05 - What kind of surface will be on the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
04 - What is the width of the railroad right of way? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
03 - Is it feasible to construct a rail trail on the old rail bed? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
02 - How long is the rail bed in Sudbury? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
01 - Who currently owns the rail bed? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (2) Physical Properties |
13 - How can I be kept informed about the rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
12 - How will residents have input to the approval and design of the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
11 - What other organizations, not connected with Town government, are involved in planning for a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
10 - What Town of Sudbury organizations are involved in investigating a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
09 - What are Sudbury's concerns about a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
08 - Who are the members of the RTCAC? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
07 - What is the RTCAC? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
05 - Who was Bruce Freeman? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
04 - What is the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
03 - Why is the Town of Sudbury considering construction of a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
02 - Which old railroad in Sudbury is the focus of current attention? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
05 - Where will users park? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
07 - Will Sudbury's rail trail become heavily used like the Minuteman Bikeway in Cambridge, Arlington, Lexington and Bedford? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
03 - Will many users come from out of town? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
01 - Who will use the rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
01 - What is a rail trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (1) General |
06 - Will there be restroom facilities on the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
04 - Will equestrians be allowed to use the trail? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
02 - Would the trail be used for ΓÇ£transportationΓÇ¥ in addition to ΓÇ£recreationΓÇ¥? | Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee | Rail Trail - (7) Uses |
What are the veteran benefits available to women veterans? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
What are the Federal Benefits coordinated by the Veterans' Services Office? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
What Local/State Services and Benefits are available to eligible veterans? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
Which veterans are eligible for services under Massachusetts General Laws? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
What is the Federal and State definition of a "Veteran"? | Veterans' Agent | Veterans |
Where do I bring my hazardous waste? | Transfer Station / Recycling Center | Hazardous Waste |
When is the deadline for filing for an abatement? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
What options do residents have in regards to Coyotes on their property? | Police Department | Police - Information |
How do I schedule an inspection? | Building Department | Permits - Building |
When does the Building Department Issue Permits? | Building Department | Permits - Building |
When are elections held? | Town Clerk | Election |
What is the process for obtaining a Marriage License? | Town Clerk | Forms |
How do I apply for an appointment to a Town Committee? | Select Board's Office | Forms |
How do I calculate my speeding ticket? | Police Department | Police - Information |
Is there a charge for false alarms? | Police Department | Police - Information |
Can I have my fingerprints done at the police station? | Police Department | Police - Information |
When am I required to file an accident report? | Police Department | Police - Information |
What happens when I call 911? | Police Department | Police - 911 |
If I have an emergency, what information do you need? | Police Department | Police - 911 |
What will the Planning Board do with the Master Plan? Will it be another study that collects dust on the office shelves? | Planning & Community Development | Master Plan |
How often does the Planning Board meet? Is it easy to get on an agenda? | Planning & Community Development | Committees - Meetings |
How can I obtain a burning permit? | Fire Department | Permits - Fire |
Can I bring my children to visit the fire station? | Fire Department | Fire Department |
How do I go about removing an Underground Storage Tank? | Fire Department | Underground Storage Tank |
Should all four quarterly tax payments be in equal amounts? | Assessors Office | Real Estate Tax |
Why does my assessment change if I don't make any changes to my house? | Assessors Office | Property Value |
Does the Assessor need to inspect my house? | Assessors Office | Property Value |
How Do I Determine the Excise on a New or Used Vehicle? | Assessors Office | Excise Tax |
How can I find out if my mortgage company has paid my tax bill? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
If I paid less for my car than the value on the bill, is there an error? | Assessors Office | Excise Tax |
When are tax bills issued? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
If I move from Sudbury to another municipality in Massachusetts, to which community do I pay my bill? | Assessors Office | Excise Tax |
When are tax bills due? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
I sold my car; do I still owe this bill? | Assessors Office | Excise Tax |
How can my mortgage company get my bill? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
If I move out of state, do I still owe the bill? | Assessors Office | Excise Tax |
Why isn't my name shown as the record owner on my tax bill? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
How is new construction assessed? | Assessors Office | Property Value |
When making a tax payment, who do I make the check out to? | Collector / Treasurer | Real Estate Tax |
What does the town do with its old computer equipment? | Information Systems | Information Systems |
What is an excise tax? | Collector / Treasurer | Excise Tax |
What determines Massachusetts residency? | Collector / Treasurer | Excise Tax |
How is excise tax computed? | Collector / Treasurer | Excise Tax |
What if I don't own the vehicle for the entire year? | Collector / Treasurer | Excise Tax |
Where can I find more information and answers to other questions about Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise taxes? | Collector / Treasurer | Excise Tax |
Is camping permitted on town conservation lands? | Conservation Office | Conservation |
I am a retired town employee and have questions about my benefits; who should I call? | Human Resources / Assistant Town Manager | Employee - Retiree Benefits |
Where can I get the permit forms for a wetlands filing? | Conservation Office | Conservation |
What are the emergency closing and delay policies? | Sudbury School Committee | School |
What are the Bus transportation policies? | Sudbury School Committee | School |
What are the hours of operation of the Transfer Station? | Transfer Station / Recycling Center | Transfer Station |
What are the minimum area and frontage requirements in residential zones? | Building Department | Permits - Building |
How do I know if I need a Wetland Permit? | Conservation Commission | Conservation |
What are the residential setbacks? | Building Department | Permits - Building |
How often does the Conservation Commission meet? | Conservation Commission | Conservation |
How do I apply for a Building Permit? | Building Department | Permits - Building |
How do I find out when a program I'm interested in is playing? | Cable Television Committee | Cable - Local Access |
How do I submit a notice to be posted on the Sudbury Channel 8 Community Bulletin Board? | Cable Television Committee | Cable - Local Access |
What is the fee for a sign application? | Design Review Board | Fees |
When does the Design Review Board meet? | Design Review Board | Committees - Meetings |
If I am looking for payment for goods or services that I have provided to the Town, who should I call? | Accounting Department | Accounting - Payments to Vendors |
I have a question about my income taxes. Should I call the Town Accountant's office? | Accounting Department | Income Tax |